Easter Special Offer – 7.5% off our 2yo MOHAWK

Boy oh boy, were we excited when Stay Inside won the Golden Slipper at Rosehill last weekend – why so!!! because Stay Inside is by the current boom stallion in Australia Extreme Choice and back in January we bought MOHAWK, a two-year-old son of Extreme Choice!!!! Click HERE to see the replay of Stay Inside’s Golden Slipper win – look for white silks – blue cap

Mohawk is now in New Zealand being prepared for racing by Jamie Richards – he is currently having a paddock break, but will be returning to work mid May to be prepared for the first of the new season trials ahead of his three year old season – click HERE to see Mohawk parading in early March with voice over from Jamie.

MOHAWK – Matamata 3rd March

Just 25% of the shares  left – given that it’s Easter time, the Easter bunny has said we can offer a 7.5% discount – this means that a 5% share which is normally $6200 comes down to $5735 and we do shares right down to 1% if you want a smaller percentage – discount applies across all percentages

Click HERE  to read all about Mohawk on our website page and you can also order shares in Mohawk off this page – when doing so enter the words “please apply Easter discount” into the box at the top right hand corner of the order page and we will then apply the discount – note that if you are paying by credit card you will need to pay the full amount, but we will provide an immediate discount to you of the 7.5% figure once we see your payment

If you have further queries or need assistance with ordering drop me an email HERE or call John 021 921 460

Ongoing costs commence from 1 April at $40 per month for each 1% share